Archive for March, 2017

Could the Anti Smoking Law in Britain Force Bingo Players On to the Net?

by Heath on Wednesday, March 15th, 2017

[ English ]

An abundance has been talked in the press not long ago concerning the bingo industry being hit because of the cigarette ban in the United Kingdom. Things have grown so bad that in Scotland the Bingo industry has demanded big aid to assist in keeping the industry alive. But can the online variation of this traditional game provide a lifeline, or might it not compare to its bricks and mortar kin?

Bingo is an classic game generally enjoyed by the "blue haired" generation. However the game of late had seen a recent comeback in popularity with younger people opting to go to the bingo parlours rather than the clubs on a Saturday night. All this is about to get flipped on its head with the enforcement of the anti cigarette law throughout UK.

No more will enthusiasts be able to puff on cigarettes whilst dabbing numbers. From the summer of ‘07 all public places will no longer be permitted to allow cigarettes in their locations and this includes Bingo parlours, which are possibly the most favorite areas where folks enjoy smoking.

The outcome of the anti cigarette law can already be looked at in Scotland where cigarettes are already illegal in the bingo parlours. Numbers have plunged and the industry is beyond a doubt struggling for its life. But where did the players go? Certainly they have not forgotten this classic game?

The answer is on the web. People realize that they can bet on bingo from their computer whilst enjoying a drink and smoke and in the end, have a chance at monstrous prizes. This is a recent phenomenon and has happened just about perfectly with the anti smoking law.

Of course gambling on online is unlikely to replace the social part of going down to the bingo parlor, but for a group of men and women the rules have left a number of bingo players with no alternative.

New Mexico Bingo

by Heath on Monday, March 6th, 2017

New Mexico has a stormy gambling background. When the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act was signed by Congress in 1989, it seemed like New Mexico might be one of the states to get on the American Indian casino bandwagon. Politics guaranteed that wouldn’t be the situation.

The New Mexico governor Bruce King announced a working group in Nineteen Ninety to discuss a contract with New Mexico Indian bands. When the task force came to an accord with 2 big local tribes a year later, Governor King declined to sign the agreement. He would hold up a deal until Nineteen Ninety Four.

When a new governor took over in 1995, it seemed that American Indian gambling in New Mexico was a certainty. But when the new Governor passed the accord with the American Indian tribes, anti-gaming forces were able to tie the contract up in the courts. A New Mexico court found that Governor Johnson had out stepped his bounds in signing the deal, thereby costing the state of New Mexico hundreds of thousands of dollars in licensing revenues over the next several years.

It required the CNA, passed by the New Mexico government, to get the process moving on a full accord amongst the State of New Mexico and its Native bands. Ten years had been lost for gaming in New Mexico, which includes Amerindian casino Bingo.

The not for profit Bingo business has gotten bigger from 1999. That year, New Mexico non-profit game providers brought in just $3,048. That climbed to $725,150 in 2000, and exceeded one million dollars in revenues in 2001. Not for profit Bingo earnings have increased constantly since that time. Two Thousand and Five saw the largest year, with $1,233,289 earned by the providers.

Bingo is clearly beloved in New Mexico. All kinds of operators look for a slice of the action. Hopefully, the politicians are through batting over gaming as an important matter like they did back in the 1990’s. That is without doubt hopeful thinking.

Internet Casinos vs. Betting on Bingo

by Heath on Sunday, March 5th, 2017

[ English ]

Bingo is a very popular past time, specifically with the blue rinse generation. Even though bingo can be a blast to play at times, a lot of the time it’s fairly dim, and the odds of coming away with a win are somewhat tiny. Bingo is a game of chance as you have no influence over the outcome of the results. You are given a card of paper with pre-determined numbers, and the only thing you are able to do is hope for the best. That does not sound very good does it? What’s a much better substitute to praying you are going to win betting on bingo? Wagering on online casinos! Here are 3 reasons why online casinos are more superior than the game of bingo.

Reason 1 – Greater Control Over The Outcome

Bingo is a game of pure luck. If you aren’t given the winning numbers when you buy your bingo sheet(s), you definitely will not win. Web poker, e.g., is the complete opposite. Web poker relies on ability, and some good luck. If you are skilled enough, you will succeed a lot of the time competing in online poker.

Reason 2 – A Monstrous Welcome Bonus

I love the idea of acquiringa free five hundred dollar sign up bonus just for becoming a member of a web casino. How frequently does that happen when you show up to bet on bingo?

Reason 3 – A Huge Selection Of Engaging Games

Bingo is a highly repetitive, and on occasion, mind numbing game. Want to experience some fun? Most net casinos offer more games than you can shake a stick at! Roulette, one armed bandits, twenty-one, and various other dazzling games with engaging audio and visual displays.

If you are satisfied to gamble on bingo, then I encourage you to continue playing it. However, if you are seeking a change, and wanting to possibly win a lot of money, then I recommend giving internet casinos a chance. They are easy to access, exciting, fast, and incredibly simple to use. Not just that, but you can achieve a lot greater control over the outcome of your wagers!

Dangers of Anxiety While Playing UK Bingo

by Heath on Wednesday, March 1st, 2017

[ English ]

There are various reasons why people start gambling on UK bingo, for instance for cash, for companionship, for experiencing that rush of adrenaline, or simply to have a great experience. Highs and lows, thrill and kills, you name it – web bingo offers all these and many more. Like any other game where risks are high, this heightened excitement has its own genuine share of favorable and detrimental impact on the players.

Bingo- The Anxiety Attractant

The anticipation involved in a game of bingo can push a player to the other side of the spectrum. Getting too engrossed in the match, one’s anticipation level could fluctuate; this might have a detrimental effect on players who suffer from hyper tension or heart issues. Some studies indicate, people who play bingo are prone to get easily agitated and consequently have elevated stress levels. It has been discerned that job related stress is much lower than the stress generated while wagering on bingo. There have been many instances of people having been fired their place of work as a consequence of bingo-related anxiety impacting their proficiency at work.

Despite the aforementioned risks, bingo is able to still be a great anxiety-buster if players accept that it’s just a game, be concerned with their health and control their actions.