Archive for June, 2018

Could the Anti Cigarette Law in Britain Drive Bingo Enthusiasts On to the Web?

by Heath on Friday, June 29th, 2018

Much has been stated in the press recently about the bingo industry struggling because of the cigarette ban in England. Conditions have grown so awful that in Scotland the Bingo industry has demanded massive tax breaks to assist in keeping the industry from going bankrupt. But will the internet adaptation of this classic game present a salvation, or might it in no way compare to its real life opposite?

Bingo is an established game generally played by the "blue rinse" generation. In any case the game recently had seen a recent return in acceptance with younger people deciding to visit the bingo halls instead of the bars on a Saturday night. All this is about to get flipped on its head with the enforcement of the smoking ban across United Kingdom.

Players will no longer be permitted to smoke whilst dabbing numbers. From the summer of 2007 all public locations will no longer be permitted to allow smoking in their venues and this includes Bingo parlors, which are possibly the most common places where players like to puff on cigarettes.

The results of the anti cigarette law can already be looked at in Scotland where smoking is already banned in the bingo halls. Players have dropped and the business is beyond a doubt struggling for its life. But where have the players gone? Certainly they have not deserted this enduring game?

The answer is on the internet. Gamblers know that they can play bingo using their computer while enjoying a beverage and cig and still enjoy massive prizes. This is a recent anomaly and has timed itself bordering on perfect with the anti smoking law.

Of course gambling on on the internet could never replace the social part of going down to the bingo parlor, but for a group of players the law has left a good many bingo enthusiasts with little option.

Dangers of Anxiety While Taking Part in Bingo

by Heath on Wednesday, June 13th, 2018

[ English ]

There are a number of reasons why individuals begin betting on bingo, for instance for money, for companionship, for adrenaline rushes, or just to have a great time. Highs and lows, thrill and chills, you name it – internet bingo offers all these and many more. Just as in any other gambling game where risks are high, this heightened exhilaration has its own fair portion of favorable and detrimental affect on the enthusiasts.

Bingo- The Anxiety Attractant

The exhilaration associated with a round of bingo can drive an individual to the other end of the spectrum. Becoming too wrapped up in the match, one’s anticipation level possibly could fluctuate; this possibly could have a detrimental effect on individuals who have hyper tension or cardiac problems. According to some studies, individuals who participate in bingo are subject to get easily agitated and accordingly have elevated stress levels. It has been discerned that work related anxiety is far less than the stress generated while participating in bingo. There have been many cases of individuals having been fired their place of work as a consequence of bingo-related anxiety impacting their performance at work.

In spite of the previously stated risks, bingo can still be a great stress-reliever if individuals acknowledge that it’s only a game, be concerned with their health and constrain their behavior.

Online Casinos Versus Playing Bingo

by Heath on Wednesday, June 6th, 2018

[ English ]

Bingo is an extremely popular hobby, specifically with the older generation. Even though bingo can be fun at times, most of the time it is fairly boring, and the chances of succeeding are fairly tiny. Bingo is a game of pure luck because you have little say over the results of the outcome. You are given a card of paper with pre-determined numbers, and the only thing you are able to do is pray for the best. That doesn’t sound great does it? What is a much better alternative to praying you are going to come away with a win playing bingo? Betting on online casinos! Here are three reasons why internet casinos are more superior than the game of bingo.

Reason 1 – Greater Control On The Results

Bingo is a game of pure luck. If you are not assigned the winning numbers when you buy your bingo card(s), you definitely will not come away with a win. Internet poker, for instance, is the complete opposite. Net poker relies on skill, and a bit of luck. If you are skilled enough, you will win a lot of the time gambling on internet poker.

Reason 2 – A Monstrous Welcome Bonus

I love the concept of receivinga gratis five hundred dollar welcome bonus just for becoming a member of an internet casino. How often does that arise when you go to compete in bingo?

Reason 3 – An Enormous Variety Of Entertaining Games

Bingo is a highly repetitive, and sometimes, boring game. Want to have some fun? The majority of web casinos provide more games than you can dream of! Roulette, slot machines, poker, and many other flashing games with entertaining audio and visual displays.

If you are happy to play bingo, then I encourage you to continue playing it. However, if you are wanting a change, and wanting to possibly win a lot more cash, then I insist on giving internet casinos a chance. They are convenient, fun, fast, and very easy to use. Not just that, but you can achieve a lot greater control over the results of your bets!